If you walk in old graveyards, the thing you notice most is that the
words on the tombstones are illegible. The older the tombstone, the more faint
they are. I think this is a shame, since those names and inscriptions are history,
and while they are "engraved in stone", even stone deteriorates.
Other old buildings or monuments share the same fate and it should be
rectified. Furthermore, even new tombstones will, someday, be etched from
memory and recognition.
I propose a device that will maintain the etched inscriptions on stone
monuments, such as tombstones. It is composed of three components, namely,
scanner, recognizer and etcher. The scanner uses modern 3d laser scanning
techniques to detect the current inscription on the tombstone. It generates a
complete digital 3d scan. This is then passed to the recognizer, in an attempt
to use state-of-the-art deciphering tools to reconstruct the inscription. One
can use more sophisticated sources of information, such as cross-referencing
GPS of the tombstone, with historical records of people from that area, to have
a better chance of finding the correct information. Finally, the etcher, which
can be either a powerful laser, or any stone-etching device, emphasize the
faint inscriptions so that it is more readable and more apparent. To sum up,
the device is a portable one, which is passed over the tombstone and re-etches
the inscription.
This device, once available, creates a new job, namely, Tombstone
Preserver, which is a person going around the country, from one graveyard to
the next, and using the device to highlight inscriptions. Furthermore, the
deciphered scripts can then be uploaded to a cloud-based database for research
and historical records.
I believe this project can revive a lot of lost history and has great
personal value to many people around the world. The technology is available,
all is needed is a person to make it. Interested?
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