Thursday, December 19, 2013

DNA Antenna Dust

This project is a combination of three separate advances made in recent years and involve the application of bio-nano-technology with electro-magnetism. The three advances are: DNA origami, DNA coating and nano-dusts. 

The first, DNA origami, is a new exciting field which enables to construct 3D objects with DNA. Nowadays, people can write the DNA code in the computer and get the DNA in a tube as a commercialized product. Furthermore, there were huge advancements in the understanding of DNA folding: DNA, while being a 1D strand, sometimes folds and creates angles due to unique sequences of its underlying G-C-T-A. Taken together, if one knows how a specific DNA folds, and one can write any DNA desired, one can create any shape out of DNA. There are CAD programs that transform any 3D object to its underlying DNA sequence.

The second field is DNA coating. It is older than DNA origami and grants the ability to coat DNA strands with different materials. Notably, it has been done with metals and more specifically with gold. This ability to coat DNA, and the unique ability of the DNA double strands to be constructed into networks of chains, has enabled the development of DNA-based electronic circuits.

The third field is nano-dusts, which grants the ability to create millions of tiny engineered particles that can be spread over a large area and serve a greater purpose. Some applications include using particles that hold sensors, thus creating a large distributed sensor array. A new exciting application is neural dust, which is "spread" over the brain and can transmit the local EM field via acoustic waves.

I suggest to combine these three fields to create the following apparatus. By designing a unique DNA origami that is coated by metals, one can have the complete freedom of engineering nano-antennas that reflect electro-magnetic waves. If millions of these are created and spread over a very large area, one can actually have a huge antenna array made out of nano-antennas. The operation can obviously be optimized by a computer to find the best 3D configuration of the DNA-origami-gold-coated antennas and the best distribution over such large spaces. The benefits of this suggested antenna array lie on its extremely cheap construction, due to advances in DNA synthesis; robustness, since even if you lose a large percent of the nano-antennas, the large array can still function; and configurability, since one can attempt many shapes and distributions until one gets the appropriate antenna array.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Farting roses

Farting, or the more scientific name of flatulence, is a personal, social and aromatic disaster. It has caused numerous embarrassing and awkward moments in the history of mankind. Why can't our farts smell like roses? The answer lies in the chemistry of aromatic compounds. The smell of roses is caused by the compound called Geranyl acetate and is a carbo-hydrate, meaning it is composed of a carbon backbone with hydrogen and oxygen on its side. On the other hand, flatulence is made of carbohydrate compounds that have nitrogen and sulfur in them.

Why can't we simply take a pill with the rosy molecules and thus make our flatulence have good fragrance? The problem with the good aromatic compounds is that they are decomposed in our digestive system since they are similar to food-stuff that holds energy. Thus, they are digested by acids and the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the colon. The flatulence smell is generated by the bacteria in our digestive systems, as a byproduct of their decomposition of foodstuff that makes it to the large intestine. In other words, rose molecules turn to smelly farts.

However, recent developments in drug delivery systems may cause our lives to smell less awkwardly. The secret is in slow-delivery systems and new encapsulation techniques. Nowadays, there are unique methods that can encapsulate a specific compound, usually a drug, such that the compound is released from its host slowly into the blood stream. Moreover, for a long time encapsulation techniques are known that can protect materials from the acidic environment in the stomach, such that they reach the colon. One anti-flatulence drug is made out of encapsulated grounded-coal, such that the material reaches the colon, by surviving the rough voyage through the stomach, and there it captures the gasses released by the bacteria in the colon.

However, I believe it is not good enough to stop the bad fragrances, but also to enable us to choose how we wish to smell, not only from our tops, via shampoos and conditioners, but from our bottoms as well. I suggest to develop slowly-releasing encapsulation digestive nano-structures that release good aromatic compounds as they reach their final destination. Wouldn't it be nice to hear a fart and say, "mmm… Chanel?"  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fractal Casimir Surfaces

This post is a little more physics-oriented than previous ones, but I'll try to explain all the major concepts from scratch. The idea, if it works, can revolutionize how we think about what is mass and can have rather crazy applications, such as a cheap transporter of things to outer space. Basically, it suggests how to drastically reduce the inertial mass of objects!
Let's start with basic quantum physics and vacuum fluctuations. As you may well know, quantum physics asserts that all things come in discrete units ("quanta"), even energy. Hence, electromagnetic radiation comes in photons. This "second quantization" (the first one being quantization of matter, so to speak) means that energy is measured in discrete units, such that one can "count the number of photons" and know the energy. More specifically, each frequency of energy, also known as a mode, can "contain" a discrete number of photons, also known as "excitations". So EM-radiation of frequency f with n photons, or n photons each with frequency f have … hf(n+1/2) energy, where h is Planck's constant that converts frequency to energy units. The whole idea in this post is the 1/2 that appears out of nowhere.
There is a deep mathematical background for the origin of the 1/2, but I like the uncertainty principle's view on it. The uncertainty principle asserts that one cannot determine any quantity to complete certainty, without affecting another "conjugate" quantity. In the case of energy, the "conjugate" quantity is time, hence it will take forever to measure zero energy for certain. Thus, because energy is always positive, and we can't measure zero energy, it means there is some energy out there. That "some energy" is the 1/2 and it has a profound meaning. Even complete vacuum has energy in it. It is sometimes called "zero-point energy", or "vacuum fluctuations". Fluctuations, because "virtual" photons are created and annihilated all the time, such that the average energy is hf/2, but it constantly fluctuates.
How much energy does the vacuum contain? This depends, weirdly, by the "thing" that bound the vacuum, such as a box or surface. How so? The energy or modes of the EM-fields are wavelike entities and have a wavelength ~ 1/f, i.e. the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. The un-bounded vacuum contains all frequencies, from the very low to the highest one. On the other hand, consider vacuum bound by two metallic surfaces | -- |. What happens if the distance between the surfaces is shorter than the wavelength? It means that that mode of the EM-field, or more specifically, photons with frequency lower than that distance cannot be inside; there's no place for them. Hence, since they cannot be inside, there are also no vacuum fluctuations of that frequency between the surfaces.
Summarizing this weird (and scientifically proven point!) between two metallic surfaces, there is actually less vacuum than outside since some vacuum fluctuations cannot exist between the surfaces, but can exist outside them. Even weirder, is that these fluctuating virtual photons exert pressure on the surfaces. Since there is less vacuum inside, the pressure is smaller than outside and the two surfaces are attracted. The vacuum exerts attracting Casimir forces on the two surfaces.
This Casimir force, due to exclusion of vacuum modes has been measured and actually plays an important role in designing and fabrication of nano particles, where the forces are not negligible.
How is all of this related to reducing the mass of objects? The weirdness continues…
Apparently, inertial mass, the m from F=ma, is derived from friction with the vacuum. Meaning, that when you exert a force on an object with mass m, it acquires less acceleration if it has more friction with the vacuum, i.e. its inertial mass is higher. Conversely, if we could reduce the friction with the vacuum, the same object could acquire larger acceleration with the same amount of force.
But, wait a minute. We just learned how to reduce vacuum itself and hence, obviously, friction with it. So the point is that if we exert a force on an object which moves between two metallic surfaces, because there is less vacuum there, there is less friction and given the same force, it will accelerate more. WHAT? Yep, by changing the vacuum in which an object moves, one can reduce its inertial mass.
By how much? There's the crux. If you recall, the modes that are "expelled" from the vacuum between the two surfaces are those with longer wavelengths, i.e. lower frequencies. And since the energy of these modes are proportional to the frequency, the modes expelled are those with lower energy. These modes exerts the least amount of friction and thus expelling them will have almost no effect on the inertial mass.
What can be done? This is my idea. The two surfaces I described are parallel flat surfaces. Physical solutions to the Casimir force have usually been calculated for such surfaces, or round ones to account for nano-spheres. However, I propose using fractal Casimir surfaces.
Fractals? Can it be even more complicated? Cool things lie in the combination of weirdness and even more weirdness!
Fractals, if you haven't read my previous The Fractal Gene post, are patterns that repeat themselves in every scale, such as branches in a tree, or shore lines. If you zoom in, you get the same pattern, no matter how much you zoom.
I propose that if you create a fractal Casimir surface, you can exclude higher frequency modes, since at every scale there is a shape to the surface that excludes some mode. Thus, if an object moves between these fractal Casimir surfaces, it will have drastically less inertial mass.
What is it good for, accept being so weird that it has to be true? Consider that we can reduce the inertial mass of objects we wish to send to the Space Station. If we build a tunnel with fractal Casimir surfaces, we need to exert much less force in order to send them to space. The possibilities are endless, as they usually are in discovering new forms of physics.